CFP11 1/7/4/1/2/1/2/3/130
Founded 1989 (Sedbergh Pistol Club) Affiliated to N.R.A No C1082
12th Amendment, 4th October 2015
15th Rule Amendment 26th April 2015
The name of the club shall be “Sedbergh Shooting Club”
The objects of the club shall be:
- To encourage target practice and competition shooting generally;
- To encourage target practice to better enable members to be of service in Defence of the Realm during any emergency;
- To provide instruction and practise in the safe use of firearms;
- To undertake any other activities deemed to be of advantage to the Club;
- Generally to do all such things as may appear to the Committee to be incidental or conductive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them.
The Club shall be affiliated to such bodies as the Committee may from time to time deem necessary.
Club Management
The management of the club shall be carried out by a committee comprised of Full members. The Committee shall have the power to make any rules found necessary for the good running of the Club. No such rule shall contradict any part of the Club Constitution. Any change in the rules shall be notified to the members and a full copy of the current rules shall be available to members in the Range Club House or on request from the Secretary. No resolution passed by the Club in General Meeting shall be retrospective.
General Meetings
The Club AGM shall be held annually during the month of October
Notification of General Meeting
The committee shall give at least thirty five days notice in writing of the time, date and place of any General Meeting to all members entitled to vote. In case of an Extraordinary General Meeting, the purpose of the meeting must also be specified in the notice.
A notice in writing may be served by the Committee upon any member, either personally,by email or by sending it through the post in a pre paid letter, addressed to such member at the member’s last known address as shown in the Club’s records. Notices by the post shall be deemed to have been served 48hrs after the date of posting.
A resolution may be submitted for debate at a General Meeting by any member who is entitled to vote at that General Meeting. Notice of any such resolution setting out the full text of the resolution, shall be given to the Secretary twenty one days before the General Meeting at which it is to be debated and shall bear the signatures of the Proposer and two Seconders who will be Full members in good standing.
The Chairman of the Committee (if present) shall preside as Chairman at every General Meeting, or if at any meeting the Chairman shall not be present within fifteen minutes after the time appointed for holding the same, the members present shall choose a Chairman from those present. The Chairman shall not propose or second any motion before the meeting.
Quorum (General)
No business shall be transacted at any General Meeting unless a quorum is present when the meeting proceeds to Business. Eight members shall be a quorum. If within thirty minutes from the time appointed for holding of a General Meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting, if convened on the requisition of members, shall be dissolved. In any other case it shall stand adjourned to the same day in the next week, at the same time and place, or at such other place as the Committee may determine, and if at such an adjourned meeting a quorum is not present within thirty minutes from the time appointed for holding the meeting the members present shall be a quorum.
Agenda Items
The Committee shall direct the Secretary as to the items to be included in the agenda for discussion at the General Meeting. The Agenda is to be circulated to members no later than Fourteen days before a General Meeting. Any Individual member entitled to vote at a General Meeting may raise a matter under Any Other Business before the close of the meeting by leave of the Chair. These matters will be for discussion only – see resolution above Eligibility to Vote. Only Full members over the age of 18 years and in good standing may vote a General Meeting.
Proxy Votes
Any member entitled to vote at a general Meeting may appoint a proxy to vote on their behalf by notifying the
Secretary, in writing, at least seven days prior to the commencement of the meeting and stating the Name of the Proxy.
Voting Procedure
Voting on any resolution or election shall be decided on a show of hands plus proxy votes received. Every member, save for the Chairman, shall have one vote. In the case of equality of votes, the Chairman shall be entitled to a casting vote. Otherwise the Chairman will not be entitled to vote.
Election at AGM
The Committee will retire annually and be eligible to stand for re – election annually at the Annual General Meeting. The Club Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer will be proposed and seconded from within the Retiring Committee. Other Committee members will require a Proposer and a Seconder, over 18 years of age and in good standing. In the event of a Proposal of more than five committee members a simple ballot will be held by those present at the General Meeting.
Extraordinary General Meeting
An EGM may be called either by the majority of the Committee or by a notice served on either the Secretary or the Chairman containing signatures of six full members in good standing requiring that such a meeting be held within thirty five days of serving notice. The purpose of the meeting must be specified in any notice served by members.
Vote of Confidence
A vote of no confidence in the management of the Club shall be treated as a Special Resolution at a General Meeting.
Amendment of the Constitution
The Constitution of the Club may only be amended by a Special Resolution at a General Meeting.
- The Committee shall ensure that adequate liability insurance (such as the N.R.A recommendation) is in place, for the Club, at all times.
- The members of the Club shall individually and collectively, indemnify in equal shares the Management of the Club against all Actions, Claims, Cost and Demands which may be made against them whilst they are acting reasonably, lawfully, within the terms of the Club Constitution and in their official capacities for or on behalf of the Club.
Dissolution of the Club
Any proposal regarding the dissolution of the club will first be considered as a special resolution at a General Meeting called for that purpose. Should any such proposal be approved then it will be considered Provisional and referred to a Second meeting to be held within thirty days. At this final meeting the facts and circumstances will be presented to the meeting and with out further discussion a vote will be taken. If approved by 75% of those present (including Proxy votes) then the meeting will proceed to debate and decide on the distribution of any Assets/Liabilities with the Proviso that no one member will receive or be responsible for more than one equal share.
AGM: Annual General Meeting
EGM: Extraordinary General Meeting
Ordinary Resolution: One which may be passed at a General Meeting of members by a simple majority of those present and entitled to vote, plus proxy votes received.
Special Resolution: One which may be passed at a General Meeting of members by a minimum of 75% of those present and entitled to vote, plus proxy votes received.
Club Management Committee
The Club Management Committee shall consist of a Chairman, Secretary and a Treasurer. In addition not less than two but not more than five other Committee Members shall be elected.
Quorum (Committee Meeting)
A minimum of three Committee members and must include either the Chairman or the Secretary or the Treasurer shall form a Quorum for ordinary business. Ordinary business shall be any business not specified under Special Business. The Quorum for Special Business shall be shall be five members of the Committee.
Special Business
Special Business shall consist of a recommendation to a General Meeting for the removal from office of any club Official; disciplinary action against any full member in good standing; a recommendation to a General Meeting for the Dissolution of the Club.
Committee Meetings
Committee Meetings will be held at least two times per year and any other meeting deemed necessary at a time and place convenient to most Committee Members. Should two or more committee members be aggrieved by the choice of time, place and duration or frequency of Committee meetings, they may, by written notice to either the Secretary or the Chairman, require the Committee to meet within thirty days of the serving of the notice, either at the Range Club House or at a alternative venue within a fifteen mile radius of the range. The notice will also require specific items to be placed on the Agenda and sufficient time should be allowed for proper discussion thereof. Minutes will be taken at each committee meeting and will be made available to any member on request no later than thirty days after the relevant meeting. Specific items regarded by the majority of the committee members present as confidential before discussion will be recorded separately and not published. Detailed discussion in Committee will likewise remain confidential.
Voting on any question shall be decided on a show of hands by simple majority. Every Committee Member, save for the Chairman shall have one vote. In the case of equality votes, the Chairman shall be entitled to a casting vote.
The Committee shall consider all applications for membership received. The applicant shall be notified by the Secretary of the decision of the Committee.
Powers to co-opt
The Committee may co-opt any full member in good standing to serve on the Committee until the next AGM either to replace any Committee member who is for any reason incapable of carrying out their duties or to increase the number of Committee Members to a maximum of that allowed under the Constitution.
The Chairman of the Committee (if present) shall to preside as Chairman at every Committee meeting, if at any meeting the Chairman shall not be present within five minutes after the time appointed for holding the meeting, the members shall choose a Chairman from those present. The Chairman shall not propose or second any motion before the meeting.
Sub Committees (General)
The Committee may delegate tasks to Sub Committees consisting of such members of the Committee as they shall think fit. Implementation of Sub Committee proposals will require majority vote at the next Committee Meeting.
Home Office Approval Criteria
In addition to the requirements of the Constitution and Rules of Sedbergh Shooting Club, the Club and its’ Members shall also be compliant with the requirements specified in the Home Office approval for the Club, which may be amended from time to time. They will also take cognisance of any exemptions that may be granted to the Club and which may be applicable.
Prospective new Members will satisfy all current Home Office legislation, in particular the requirements of Section 21 of the Firearms Act 1968.
The Muzzle loading Association of Great Britain “Code of Practise” where applicable for our outdoor facility, has now been adopted.
Sedbergh Shooting Club membership cards are classified as club property, they are to be renewed and exchanged annually by the current Club Secretary. Membership cards must be handed in upon termination of membership.
The Holding of Land and other Assets
In the event that it is desired to acquire real property (land) for the sole use and benefit of SSC then the said title to such real property shall be vested in trustees who shall hold the same in trust for the benefit of the members and future members of SSC to be used in accordance with the constitution of SSC at the time of acquisition and as from time to time amended. There shall not be less than three trustees and not more than four.
The first trustees shall be the Secretary of SSC in post at the time of completion of the acquisition of the real property together with one trustee appointed from the members of the committee
of SSC in office at the time of the completion of the acquisition and one trustee appointed from the current list of ordinary full members of SSC that are entitled to vote at any meeting of the club. The appointment of the committee member and ordinary member trustee shall be by simple majority vote of the committee at a meeting of the committee called for that purpose.
On the death of any trustee, or any trustee wishing to cease to act in that capacity no new trustee need be appointed unless the remaining trustees would be less than three in number .Any new trustee to replace a deceased or retiring trustee shall be appointed by simple majority vote of the committee of SSC. Any new trustee shall be a full member entitled to vote at any meeting of SSC at the time of appointment as trustee.
Should SSC cease it’s activities permanently whether voluntarily, by dissolution as defined or as a consequence of legislation or other force of law the trustees shall effect a sale of the real property and after payment of all charges arising shall distribute the proceeds equally between the then current full members of SSC at the time that the clubs activities ceased or on dissolution or in such other manner as a majority of the said membership shall determine.
Should the members of SSC determine by majority vote that alternative real property might better suit the activities of SSC as set out in the constitution then the current trustees may dispose of such real property as may be held in trust and use the proceeds in whole or in part for the purchase of alternative real property the title to which shall be held by them in trust as set forth iri the trust as originally constituted.
Any monies that remain from the sale and purchase transactions shall after payment of any expenses, being personal property (as apposed to real property) be paid as soon as possible to the Treasurer of’ SSC in post at the time to be used with other personal property for the activities of SSC.
Sedbergh Shooting Club Rules
15th Amendment 26th April 2015
Club membership shall be open to all suitably qualified British Citizens. Applications for membership will be made on an official Sedbergh Shooting Club membership application form. Application for membership will be proposed by a Full Club Member and seconded by a person who knows the applicant on a personal basis. Applications for membership may be accepted by a informal quorum of three committee members, subject to ratification at the next Committee Meeting. The Committee will decide what form of membership will apply, Probationary or Full Membership, no fee shall be paid until formal notice of acceptance is given by the Club Secretary.
The Club will be composed of:
Full Members
Full members will be at least eighteen years old. Fully paid up Members who have been assessed in Range and Firearm Safe Practice. They will be in compliance with current Home Office legislation as incorporated in the Club Rules and Constitution. They will have either served a period of probation with Sedbergh Shooting Club or have been admitted as holders of an appropriate Fire Arms Certificate and acceptable personal references.
Junior Members, members who have not attained eighteen years of age, must travel to and from the range facility with a parent or guardian who will have visual and verbal contact with the junior member whilst they are being supervised by the Child Protection Officer / Trainer. Junior Members must renew their membership each year and be assessed in Range and Firearm Safe Practice. They will be in compliance with current Home Office legislation as incorporated in the Club Rules and Constitution.
Probationary Member
Anyone who applies for membership must be sponsored by at least one full club member
At the discretion of the Committee, Probationary Members will serve a probationary period of not less than three months & not exceeding twelve months, during this period they must attend the range a minimum of 8 Attendances. FAC Holders and other club members who are applying for membership of Sedbergh Shooting Club need to attend the range on two occasions during a probationary period of one month. A Probationary Member must, at all times, when in possession of firearms or ammunition, be personally supervised by the Range Officer or by an otherwise authorised Full Member of the club who holds a Firearms Certificate. A Probationary member will receive regular instruction that will include Safe Handling of Firearms and Range Safety. A Probationary Member will not be accepted as a Full Member by the Committee until they are satisfied with their assessment of the candidate. A Probationary Member may be expelled from the Club at any time, by an Officer of the Committee. The Committee shall ensure that the number of Probationary Members permitted in the Club shall not at any time exceed the number of full members.
The club may invite guests who are either members of a recognised outside organisation or who are known to at least one full member of the club. At least 48hrs in advance of any person who is being invited to the range The procedure for a guest to attend the Dillicar Range Facility is to contact the Secretary or failing that the Chairman or a Committee Member, who will check that the guest complies with current Home Office Legislation, and inform the Club Secretary prior to the visit as to their discussion, regarding the guest. The decision of the Chairman / Secretary, with regard to admittance will be final.
Life Member
The club may award Life Membership, from time-to-time, to persons who are deemed, unanimously, by the Committee to have given outstanding service to the Club and/or upon receipt of an approved once-and-for-all, non-refundable, lump-sum, membership fee which is paid in advance. Distinction may be made between the two categories of Life Member (e.g. the title: Honorary Life Member may be awarded, by the Committee, for outstanding service(s) to the Club.)
The following fees shall be decided by the Committee Meeting Prior to the AGM:
The membership fee
The annual subscription
The visitor / guest fee
The daily range fee
The annual discount range fee
Range Safety Certificate
a. This design of this range is based on the reduced Cone of Fire recommended by DOSG for use only under the following conditions:
- Use is restricted to competent marksmen authorised in writing by the Club Chairman.
- Weapons must be zeroed or check zeroed each time the weapon is brought onto the range.
- Only single shot, supported shooting practices may be permitted.
b. The range is to be used strictly in accordance with NSRA/NRA guidelines for the conduct of live firing practices (including the Muzzle Loaders’ Association Code of Practice for Muzzle Loading Arms) and Sedbergh Shooting Club Range Orders.
c. All ammunition used is to conform strictly to the performance limitations of the Range Safety Certificate
d. Minimum engagement range – all weapons: 25 Metres.
Live firing will only be permitted on any day in daylight hours. In the event of inclement weather the Butts and the
Road must be visible from the firing point. Sunday is the Official Range Day. No firearms may be discharged on the range unless the following conditions are met. Range fees must be paid before commencing shooting.
- The red warning flag is raised on the designated poles.
- Two full members must be present, one of whom must be designated as the Range Officer and sign the register accordingly. .
- All Members, Guests, and Probationary Members must sign and enter their firearm details in the Club Register.
Gun Handling
All firearms and ammunition when not in use must be secured either in a closed container, gun-slip, bag or holster. Loaded firearms are only permitted on the firing point. Once a firing detail has ceased, all firearms will be Proved Clear. Maintenance and repair of Unloaded Firearms can only take place in a designated area selected by the Senior Committee Member present.
Range Officer
A Committee Member, NRA RCO, Club RCO will act as Range Officers, when available, otherwise a full club member must be nominated from each detail. The appointed Range Officer is empowered by the Committee to rigorously enforce the rules of the Club. Range Officers may instruct any member to leave the range when the Club Rules are violated, anyone whom by his action or attitude is considered likely to Endanger the safety of fellow members, will be instructed to leave the range immediately by the Range Officer. Any disciplinary action carried out by a Range Officer must be reported to a Committee Member within 48hrs.
The designated Range Officer for the day shall be the person responsible for reporting to the Club Secretary any matter that in his opinion requires the attention or consideration of the Secretary or the committee.
Authorised Visitors & Guests
All visitors & guests at activities conducted by the Club shall enter their Names and Signatures in the Register provided, and pay the appropriate fee. Having registered, they shall for the duration of the visit; be regarded as a guest of the Dillicar Range Facility. Guests and Visitors may only participate in those activities for which they are qualified to compete. Their actual participation will be in the presence of a Committee Member / Full Club Member and at his total discretion.
Full members of any other Approved Club, HM Forces, T.A.V.R, and Police Force with letters of Competence from their Commanding Officers may attend and shoot as Club Guests. They shall pay a daily fee at the scale approved by the Committee.
Disciplinary Rules
Any member, who conducts his/herself in an improper manner at any of the Club Activities, shall at the discretion of the Committee forfeits their membership and all Fees Paid. Any member who has not paid their annual subscription by 2359hrs 30th September will automatically Forfeit their Membership. All members should carry their Firearms Certificate & Membership Cards, whilst on the range.